Monday, November 8, 2010

TGT 11/8

I am thankful for my niece, Ana.  She has had big problems of her own the last few years, but has come out on top of things.  She is at WVU with a plan.  She wants to be a teacher.  That makes me proud whether I had anything to do with it or not.  But mostly I am proud of her for becoming the gaurdian of the family.  She checks on her great aunts.  She checks on her Papa Don.  She cares and she gives of her time.  She is brave and sweet and good.  It is amazing to see.  Thank you, Ana, for sharing the most precious gift of all - yourself.  Love you.


  1. and in a time where it is so easy to be less considerate, that's awesome!

  2. I know. I am very proud of her.
