Thursday, January 6, 2011

Still a Kid When it Snows

Here I sit at 10:23 flipping back and forth between, and the WV School Closings site...a little snow makes me long for a snow day more than any of the kids probably.
Although I do like them least on a Fun Friday. 
We have Australia fun planned for tomorrow. 
  • Outback Olympics with events like the Echidna Roll and the Koala Climb
  • Living in the outback:  sheep, going to school via TV/computer and hospitals on airplanes
  • Aboriginal art:  looking at some and creating some
I have a schedule for a regular day and a 2 hour delay can be done, OR, it can be postponed until another day.  See how flexible I am?
Misty has her pajamas on inside out and I am dilly dallying here instead of getting to bed...better go...just in case!
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!  Sorry Debra.  :)
And now it is 10:30...unheard of on a school night!


  1. The jammies have failed so I better get on in the shower! Be safe out there everyone!
