Friday, March 4, 2011


As part of our continuing year long theme of Oceans and Islands, we are visiting Japan for now.  First thing today we did a map and a flag.  We discussed the geography of Japan and how it causes them to live crowded.  (We will do a physical space activity on the carpet on Monday as a review...crowding more people into the same space.)  We discussed the Land of the Rising Sun and how much easier it is to color their flag than ours.
Then the real fun began.  The two main activities for today were scrolls for a tokonoma area with some original haiku and kimono dolls made from the ever popular and oh so handy toilet paper rolls.  I hope you aren't getting tired of the pictures, because it seems like there are more and more...maybe we just have too much fun!  Anyway, here are today's photos.
Bulletin board before...
 ...and after.  Notice the kid's art on the after?

 I was so excited when one little girl came to me with the 1st two lines done and had used morn instead of morning because she needed one less syllable...but then she thought that spar would be better than sparkling since I was so happy with morn instead of morning...they do want to please! 
Here are my other two favorite haiku:
The leaves grow in Spring
They look like raindrops in trees
But the sun is out

Flowers like to bloom
In springtime, flowers have buds
They smell like perfume

Working together on their haiku.
Counting syllables with me.

Starting our origami Samurai helmets.

Cute warriors.

Cute warriors.

Cute warriors.

Cute warriors.
What?  You gotta be kidding? 
No.  Really.  I made this hat without using my hands!

4:10 on a Friday afternoon.  Were you having this much fun?


  1. Absolutely not having that much fun. What a great experience for the kids. And so excellent an exercise with the concept of language - what you did with them will influence their use of words for the rest of their lives. Their art was charming and fascinating. I am using up all my adjectives.

  2. I love watching them learn to control the words. 1st grade teachers don't love me because I don't focus too much on correct spelling or handwriting...I want ideas!
