I mean to tell you that I got paid too much to do my job today. I promise you that the day went so fast they probably should have only paid me for 1/2 a day...no, don't tell anyone! It was a great day and the kids behaved so well. The secret today was speed. We had so much to get done that there was NO time to get into any kind of trouble...LOVE that!
So, here's what we did: The Seasons of Arnold's Apple Tree. Each of them made a book (insert their name in the title) that showed all the seasons. We first did all of the backgrounds and bare trees. They were made out of pretty blue xerox paper with torn green construction paper for grass in three seasons and torn white for the winter season. Brown paper trunks and branches were added. (Connie, we didn't have enough! But quickly cut more.) Next, they came to the carpet to hear the part of the story that told about spring. OH! I forgot. Stevie and I sang, loudly and ... oh, well, just loudly, the song, "Winter, spring, summer or fall...all you've got to do is caaaallll and I'll be there, baby...you've got a friend." Does that song have a real name? So, I read about spring, we talked about spring and the apple tree and then we went into 3 smaller groups to glue tiny tissue paper blossoms and leaves onto the spring tree. Have you ever met a kid who couldn't tear paper? If not, come on in and I can introduce you to one...he had NO idea. We read the summer part, added lots of leaves and tiny green apples to the next page of the book. Fall was golden leaves and red apples. For winter, they got to put one finger in the white paint and add snowflakes to the sky. We then took the pictures outside (with a block to put on top-thank you, Earl) to dry. Unfortunately, one of the little girls put hers under her arm to carry it! Just when you think you have everything covered....sorry, mom.
We also did an apple print on the back page to show the star in the middle. We did run out of time to really enjoy the books all put together so I kept them and we will finish up on Thrilling Tuesday. Still need to add the words for the seasons and now I think we will have time to write one thing about each season on the back. Hopefully, I can get some photos of the finished product on here for you to see.
But, the BEST part of the whole day was when one of my darlings said, "Do we do Fun Friday every Friday? I love Fun Friday. I love this craft. I love this book." Ahhh, a last first time they realize how fun Fun Fridays are. Better from them than my principal any day!
Planning is massive, clean up is massive (Thanks, Teresa!), but happy kids learning something...SO worth it all. Good day. Long weekend. Pay day. Just doesn't get much better than this.
So, how was YOUR day? :>)
Here is the whole book of the seasons. On the back of each page is a fact about that season that they dictated to an adult. Amazing how hard a concept this is for them to get...I guess it is just too abstract for them.
My day was pretty OK Friday. A few of my students waited until after my classes to get suspended, so I'm counting that as a + (well except the part about them missing school for a day). They're truly sweet, if they could only behave. Oh and that song is called, "You've Got a Friend." I had the pleasure of singing it back in 5th grade choir and it also happens to be the Gilmore Girls theme song (my favorite TV show, when I actually had time to watch TV before college lol). Happy Sunday!